Louise Barson - Contemporary British Painter with a truly unique style

Welcome to My Art

Louise is a contemporary British painter with a truly unique style. Her paintings are full of colour and emotion, taking inspiration from both the natural world around her and within, reflecting the human experience. Louise's art is in private collections around the world, delighting her loyal collectors.

“I paint the human experience,” explains Louise. “We all crave being seen and heard, as well as feeling like we belong. When I moved from my home to an entirely new community in 2021, I experienced having to build friendships and connections from the ground up. It was an incredibly lonely period at first. But I’m lucky to live in an area where people are very welcoming.”

Using acrylics, Louise’s art invites viewers to take a second and even a third look, inviting viewers to realise that they aren't alone in their longing or need for connection.

“We all need community. We all need validation from the people around us. My art speaks to that.”

Louise currently works out of her studio in Haughton, Cheshire, and enjoys sharing her passion for art with her clients. Her paintings can be viewed here and she also has other art products including greeting cards and signed prints available here. Louise also helps people express themselves through art in 1 to 1 or small group workshops from time to time.


One service that Louise particularly loves providing is creating bespoke paintings for commission clients.

Contact Louise to arrange a free consultation to discuss your dream commission.

Portfolio Paintings
